• Ka-V-As — ASSEN

    LOKAAL & DICHTBIJ Het fonds ‘Ka-V-As: Kans voor Vrouwen in Assen’ stelt zich ten doel om vrouwen individueel of in groepsverband te stimuleren in hun ontwikkeling en zelfontplooiing. Met als resultaat dat ze weer het gevoel hebben dat ze meedoen, dat ze erbij horen. (lees meer)

  • Adolescent Girls’ Health and Protection in Peru

    Adolescents, especially girls, must have opportunities to empower themselves so they can speak up for their rights and develop the self-confidence and autonomy needed to take control of their lives and bodies. Significant inequities based on gender, age, (lees meer)

  • Strengthening Response to GBV survivors in Papua New Guinea and Timur Leste

    Gender-based violence (GBV) is an umbrella term for any harmful act that is perpetrated against a person’s will and that is based on socially ascribed differences between males and females. It includes acts that inflict physical, sexual and (lees meer)

  • Let us learn Madagascar

    In Madagascar, one in four children aged 6–10 does not attend primary school and one in three children aged 11–14 does not attend lower secondary school. Let Us Learn is an integrated education program that is creating opportunities (lees meer)

  • Ending Child Marriage

    Globally, 21% of girls are married before they turn 18, robbing them of their childhood. Each year, another 12 million girls under the age of 18 are married around the world. Child marriage is globally recognized as a (lees meer)